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Displaying 51 - 75 of 146
Often fires are managed to support or reduce the presence of specific plant species or sizes. FireStem is a computer model designed to aid fire managers in predicting tree mortality based on fire behavior and intensity.
FireStem was designed to… moreContact(s): Daniel Jimenez
FireWorks is an educational program about the science of wildland fire, designed for students in grades 1-12.
FireWorks provides students with interactive, hands-on materials to study wildland fire… moreContact(s): Courtney Johnson, Ilana Abrahamson
Experimental evidence now shows that flame impingement is required for ignition of fine fuel particles responsible for the spread of wildland fires. However, the characteristics of the non-steady flame zone that produce convective heating of fuel… moreContact(s): Mark Finney
FlamMap is a fire analysis desktop application that ONLY runs in a 64-bit Windows Operating System environment. It can simulate potential fire behavior… moreContact(s): Charles McHugh, Mark Finney
Evaluating the ecological benefits of wildfire by integrating fire and ecosystem simulation models
The accumulation of canopy and surface fuels, coupled with a general warming of the climate, have contributed to an increase in the frequency,… moreContact(s): Eva Karau
1995- present
FOFEM (a First Order Fire Effects Model) is a computer program for predicting tree mortality, fuel consumption, smoke production, and soil heating caused by prescribed fire or wildfire.
First order fire effects are those that concern the… moreContact(s): Duncan Lutes
Analyzing the ‘Spring Dip’ in Foliar Moisture Content and Its Relationship to Crown Fire Activity in the Great Lakes
Both firefighters and fire scientists have observed a period of peak crown fire activity in the Great Lakes area during spring when… moreContact(s): Matt Jolly
2017 - present
ForSys - Scenario planning model for multi-objective restoration and fuel management planning
ForSys is a flexible platform for exploring landscape management scenarios and optimizing decisions in terms of where and how to achieve landscape… moreContact(s): Alan Ager, Michelle Day
Within the Fort Huachuca military installation in southeastern Arizona, there are 11 Protected Activity Centers (PACs) identified for the threatened Mexican Spotted Owl. The PACs include a variety of vegetation types including multi-storied conifer… moreContact(s): LaWen Hollingsworth
Exploring surface and canopy fuel characteristics at the particle, layer, and fuelbed levels across major forest ecosystem types of the US northern Rocky Mountains.
The research project FPARDY (Fuel PARticle DYnamics), is a multifaceted study to… moreContact(s): Russell Parsons, Sarah Flanary
Quantitative wildfire risk analysis requires complete geospatial coverage of fire impact probabilities and sizes. Wildfire simulation is the primary means of estimating these, including the frequency distribution of large fire events. FSim simulates… moreContact(s): Karen Short, Mark Finney
Examining fuel particle heat exchange experimentally and through the use of numerical modeling.
Modelers of wildland fire spread have assumed how fuel particle heat exchange occurs during fire spread without the benefit of experimental evidence.… moreContact(s): Mark Finney
2016 - present
The Fuel Treatment Effectiveness Monitoring (FTEM) application collects data that documents the effectiveness of fuel treatments on wildland fire behavior when a wildland fire intersects with a previously applied hazardous fuels reduction treatment… moreContact(s):
FuelCalc is a desktop software application for determining changes in surface and crown fuel loading after thinning, pruning, piling and/or prescribed fire.
Ground, surface, and canopy fuel characteristics serve as essential inputs to computer… moreContact(s): Duncan Lutes
We are developing a product and methodology that allows rapid assessment of fuels and potential fire hazard in forests impacted by the non-native balsam woolly adelgid (BWA) to better protect and improve the health of western America’s high-… moreContact(s): Russell Parsons, Sharon Hood
Current operational fire behavior models are empirically based on fire spread through surface fuels and do not describe heating and combustion processes. Current physical models describe fire spread processes; however, the fire spread processes of… moreContact(s): Mark Finney, Sara McAllister
2014 - 2023
Research-ready compilation of all-hazards operational data 1999-2020. These situation-reporting data can be used to relate large-fire activity to weather, fuel treatment activities, firefighting response, and a range of socioeconomic impacts.
ICS-… moreContact(s): Karen Short
An integrated study investigating effects of mastication fuel treatments on fuel and fire behavior.
Many land management agencies are exploring a wide variety of fuel treatments to lower fire intensities and severities and to restore ecosystems to… moreContact(s): Jim Reardon, Pamela Sikkink
Fine particulate matter, also called PM2.5, is an air pollutant with significant public health impacts that is regulated under the federal Clean Air Act and is the primary air pollutant of concern across much of the western United States. PM2.5… moreContact(s): Shawn Urbanski
Researchers have worked to assess the impacts of biomass reduction in high-risk areas such as the wildland/urban interface where treatments are intended to minimize the risk of wildfire behavior, allow for more effective suppression, and reduce… moreContact(s):
2016 - present
The Interagency Fuel Treatment Decision Support System (IFTDSS) is a web-based application designed to make fuel treatment planning and analysis more efficient and effective. IFTDSS provides access to data and models through one simple user… moreContact(s):
2004 - present
This multi-partner program produces consistent, comprehensive, geospatial data and databases that describe vegetation, wildland fuel, and fire regimes across the United States and insular areas.
LF's mission is to provide agency leaders and… moreContact(s): Inga La Puma
Wildland fires are a common global ecosystem disturbance and they spread through a combination of living and dead vegetation. Historically, research on fuel ignition and fire behavior characteristics has focused on dead fuels that are easily… moreContact(s): Matt Jolly
Lodgepole pine-dominated forest is the third most extensive forest type in western North America, covering 15 million acres in the western United States. Over much of this extensive range, surprisingly little is known about historical fire regimes.… moreContact(s): Sharon Hood
Using Silvicultural Treatments and Prescribed Burning to Restore Multi-aged Lodgepole Pine Forests
Lodgepole pine is one of the most widely distributed conifers in North America. The adaptations of lodgepole pine to severe, stand-replacement fire–… moreContact(s): Sharon Hood