LANDFIRE – Landscape Fire and Resource Management Planning

  • This multi-partner program produces consistent, comprehensive, geospatial data and databases that describe vegetation, wildland fuel, and fire regimes across the United States and insular areas.
  • LF's mission is to provide agency leaders and managers with a common "all-lands" data set of vegetation and wildland fire/fuels information for strategic fire and resource management planning and analysis.
  • LF products provide data for landscape assessment, analysis, and management. Data and information serve as important data sets in decision support with efforts such as identification of areas with similar characteristics, prioritization exercises, modeling capacity and potential, and improving collaboration between landowners with common data sets and analytics.
  • These resources are useful for practitioners in the fields of fire and natural resource management, vegetation, habitat, carbon/climate, research and science, as well as industry/private sector users and teachers.

LANDFIRE is developing the future of vegetation and fuels mapping by monitoring the progress of innovative researchers in this field across research stations. Lidar, from terrestrial to aerial to spaceborne, is providing unprecedented amounts of data that could feed a new generation of 3D vegetation and fuels metrics. LANDFIRE is poised to take advantage of these data sources with high tech solutions providing faster processing and more sophisticated models. Get the latest versions of LANDFIRE data at LANDFIRE Program: Get Data.

LANDFIRE is continually improving data sources, modeling methods and outputs to better meet stakeholder needs.

Related Projects:

Fire Effects Information System (FEIS)
FOFEM/SpatialFOFEM - fire effects model
FSim-Wildfire Risk Simulation Software
National Wildfire Risk Assessment
Wildfire Hazard Potential
Wildfire Risk to Communities

Select Publications & Products

Related events: See LANDFIRE youtube channel for numerous webinars and office hours videos: LANDFIREvideo - YouTube

LANDFIRE Technical Documentation: LANDFIRE Technical Documentation (

LANDFIRE podcasts: LANDFIRE Program: About LANDFIRE - PodCasts (


LANDFIRE data and applications fact sheet: LANDFIRE Applications (