Sarah Flanary

(406) 829-6922

Research Topics

  • Whitebark pine ecosystems
  • Wildland fuel science
  • Fire behavior and fuel modeling

Personal Summary

Sarah is an Ecologist with the Fire, Fuels and Smoke research program. Much of her research efforts have focused on the 5-needle pine species whitebark pine and its growth response to silvicultural treatments as well as more localized biotic impacts. Her current work supports 3D physics-based fire and fuel modeling projects.

Selected Publications & Products

Flanary, Sarah J., and Robert E. Keane. "Whitebark pine encroachment into lower-elevation sagebrush grasslands in southwest Montana, USA." Fire Ecology 15.1 (2019): 1-11. Treesearch:

Flanary, Sarah J., and Robert E. Keane. "Ponderosa pine mortality in the Bob Marshall Wilderness after successive fires over 14 years." Research Note. RMRS-RN-85. Fort Collins, CO: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 13 p. 85 (2020). Treesearch:

Audio and Video

Video file
Whitebark Pine

Whitebark Pine