Fire Lab Seminar Series

Please note that our seminar series will begin again on November 7, 2024.

The Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory has been hosting an annual seminar series since 1998. Hour-long seminars are presented by Fire Lab employees and other researchers from throughout the world. Seminars cover current research and management about the natural world from a broad range of disciplines, but most seminars usually have a wildland fire theme. The Fire Lab Seminar Series provides a platform for researchers and managers to present their work in an environment that encourages critical thought, the free exchange of ideas, and knowledge discovery.

Seminars are offered each Thursday, October to May, from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (Mountain time) via the online web application Microsoft Teams. If you are interested in using this service, please use the below information. Please note, this presentation will be set for listen mode only. At the end of each presentation, a Q&A session will be held via the Chat Box. Please sign up for the Seminar News for notifications and details for the seminars.

Microsoft Teams meeting 
Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 274 092 604 139
Passcode: BdMAvA

Dial in by phone +1 202-650-0123,,99200500# United States
Phone conference ID: 992 005 00#

View seminars and videos from the past several years: Seminar Series Archive

2024-2025 Seminar Series Schedule

Erin Belval, Research Forester, and Brad Pietruszka, RMRS Fire Management Specialist

Mickey Campbell, Univ. of Utah, Dept. of Geography