Fire Modeling Institute (FMI) Projects

Browse present and past projects of the Fire Modeling Institute.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 25

Living things change constantly, as do communities of living things. In a forest, where individual trees can live for centuries and new plants replace old plants, it is not easy to visualize the changes that occur over time. This photoseries… more

Image The BehavePlus fire modeling system is a Windows®-based computer program that can be used for any fire management application that needs to calculate fire behavior. It uses specified fuel and… more

Video and educational lesson about how and why the Pikunii (one branch of the Blackfeet Nation) people transported fire from one camp to another as they traveled along historical migration routes. This activity includes a complete lesson plan,… more

The Upper Tenmile Watershed is located southwest of the City of Helena, Montana, on the Helena National Forest (HNF). The watershed is an important source of drinking water for the city and is also a popular recreational area for nearby residents.… more

**FARSITE4 is no longer be supported or available for download. FlamMap6 now includes FARSITE.** See FlamMap for more information.

For a quick overview see our FFI: Ecological Monitoring Story Map FFI is designed to help managers fulfill monitoring requirements set forth in Federal legislation and agency policy. It supports scalable (project to landscape scale) monitoring at… more

2009 - present
The fire characteristics chart is a graphical method of presenting primary surface or crown fire behavior characteristics or U.S. National Fire Danger Rating (NFDRS) indices. It is a stand-alone component of the BehavePlus fire modeling system. A… more

Thousands of scientific articles and reports are published each year on wildland fire, making it difficult for managers, planners, and scientists to find, read, and use the best available science. A team of ecologists reviews this information and… more

Observations and Recommendations on Fire Management in Nepal In April, 2013, Forester and Spatial Fire Analyst Chuck McHugh spent two weeks in Nepal providing comment and review of the Nepalese fire management program. His visit was coordinated… more

A team of four individuals, supported through the U.S. Forest Service International Programs, convened in October 2014 to conduct a fire regime assessment in Eastern Province of Zambia. The team, which included a multinational assemblage from the… more

FireFamily+ (FF+) is a software package used to calculate fuel moistures and indices from the US National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) using hourly or daily fire weather observations primarily from Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS).… more

FIREMON: Fire Effects Monitoring and Inventory System is an agency independent plot level sampling system designed to characterize changes in ecosystem attributes over time. The system consists of a sampling strategy manual, standardized sampling… more

A fire severity mapping system for real time fire management application and long-term planning. FIRESEV (FIRE SEVerity Mapping Tools) is a comprehensive set of tools and protocols to deliver, create, and evaluate fire severity maps for all phases… more

Image FireWorks is an educational program about the science of wildland fire, designed for students in grades 1-12. FireWorks provides students with interactive, hands-on materials to study wildland fire… more

1995- present
FOFEM FOFEM (a First Order Fire Effects Model) is a computer program for predicting tree mortality, fuel consumption, smoke production, and soil heating caused by prescribed fire or wildfire. First order fire effects are those that concern the… more

Within the Fort Huachuca military installation in southeastern Arizona, there are 11 Protected Activity Centers (PACs) identified for the threatened Mexican Spotted Owl. The PACs include a variety of vegetation types including multi-storied conifer… more

Quantitative wildfire risk analysis requires complete geospatial coverage of fire impact probabilities and sizes. Wildfire simulation is the primary means of estimating these, including the frequency distribution of large fire events. FSim simulates… more

FuelCalc is a desktop software application for determining changes in surface and crown fuel loading after thinning, pruning, piling and/or prescribed fire. Ground, surface, and canopy fuel characteristics serve as essential inputs to computer… more

2004 - present
This multi-partner program produces consistent, comprehensive, geospatial data and databases that describe vegetation, wildland fuel, and fire regimes across the United States and insular areas. LF's mission is to provide agency leaders and… more

A wildfire risk assessment for the conterminous United States Working with the Forest Service Fire and Aviation Management program, the Fire Modeling Institute (FMI) has been working toward completing a wildfire risk assessment for all National… more

1991 - current
See: A Century of Change in a Ponderosa Pine Forest for more information about the Historical Photopoints in the Lick Creek Drainage. Lick Creek is the longest running fuel treatment and restoration study in the western United States. The study… more

Wildfire Hazard Potential* for the United States The wildfire hazard potential (WHP) map is a raster geospatial product produced by the USDA Forest Service, Fire Modeling Institute that can help to inform evaluations of wildfire hazard or… more

2008 - 2018
The wildfire hazard potential (WHP) map is a raster geospatial product produced by the USDA Forest Service, Fire Modeling Institute that can help to inform evaluations of wildfire hazard or prioritization of fuels management needs across very large… more

Wildfire Risk to Communities is a free, easy-to-use website with interactive maps, charts, and resources to help communities understand, explore, and reduce wildfire risk. The website was created by the USDA Forest Service under the direction of… more

The communities of Island Park, ID, and West Yellowstone, MT, are situated just outside the western entrance to Yellowstone National Park amid grasslands, sagebrush, and aspen and conifer forests. As part of the broader interagency Cohesive Wildfire… more