In October, FFS Research Ecologist Russ Parsons, Missoula, hosted a group of visitors from west and central Africa via the USFS International Program. This group of forestry and natural resource project managers is currently touring various locations to learn about forest management practices in the US. The visit to the Fire Lab included two hours of presentations and demonstrations. Research Atmospheric Scientist Shawn Urbanski presented on smoke characteristics while Mechanical Engineer Jason Forthofer discussed wind modeling. Research Ecologist Matt Jolly gave a demonstration of live fuel ignition in the Lab’s burn chamber. Finally, the group went to the wind tunnel for a demonstration of fire spread dynamics with Research Forester Mark Finney.
Participants: Jean-Solo Ratsisompatrarivo, Technical Coordinator, Democratic Republic of Congo; Franck Kapa, Technical Assistant, Democratic Republic of Congo; Richard Paton, USFS International Programs Central Africa Program Manager; Sarah Banks, Congo Program Manager (DC); Jason Ko, former Central Africa Program Manager; Andre Toham, Cameroon Technical Coordinator; Russ Parsons and Trip Facilitator Steve Brady, USFS retired.