The Missoula Fire Lab recently hosted a two-day workshop for an expert panel on combustion and fire science. The five panelists from universities across the U.S. reviewed the latest finding on fire behavior fundamentals. Panelists included Professor Kozo Saito, University of Kentucky; Professor Forman Williams, University of California, San Diego; Professor Jim Quintiere, University of Maryland, retired; Dr. John de Ris, FM Global, retired; and Professor Michael Gollner, University of Maryland. The panel met with Research Forester Mark Finney, Research Physical Scientist Jack Cohen, Research Mechanical Engineer Sara McAllister, and Mechanical Engineer Jason Forthofer to watch demonstrations of recent laboratory experiments followed by a retreat to Salmon Lake, Montana for detailed discussions of newly discovered mechanisms in wildland fire spread. This was an atypical workshop, in that a small group of scientists worked to understand fundamental questions without formal presentations or concern for funding. Typically, available funding and a demand for deliverables drive modern fire research. Basic research is essential to advancement of knowledge, but is difficult to finance. Synergy from workshops like this may yield a stronger understanding of current and future research.