Fire Modeling Institute (FMI)
What is FMI?
The Fire Modeling Institute is a center of expertise that connects and supports scientists, land managers, wildfire practitioners, and the public in the use and application of wildfire science, data, and analysis.
We are part of the Fire, Fuel, and Smoke Science Program (FFS) of the Rocky Mountain Research Station, and we also have close ties with Fire and Aviation Management (FAM) at the Forest Service.

What does FMI do?
Applied Science, Analysis, and Data Products |
We help to transfer knowledge and analytical methods from research to the field through applied projects involving fire behavior analysis and modeling, fire effects modeling and spatial data analysis. This includes the development and maintenance of national-scale spatial and tabular datasets. Developing applications, products and methods that address the latest fire management issues FMI scientists maintain data in support of national-scale products supporting the fire community. Browse Projects |
Software Development and Support |
We are recognized subject matter experts for a range of wildland fire software systems and applications used by fire managers and practitioners nationally and internationally. FMI ensures that the applications we manage are regularly updated to contain the best available science. Browse Projects |
Science Synthesis and Delivery |
We provide synthesis and delivery of fire science information for field practitioners through the Fire Effects Information System (FEIS), which contains syntheses of fire effects on individual plant and animal species as well as fire regimes across broad ecosystems. Browse Projects |
Training and Education |
We provide a wide range of training and education opportunities to facilitate the understanding, adoption, and application of fire science research by field practitioners and the public. Browse Projects |
What is our 'why'?
All of us in FMI believe deeply that finding solutions to many of the complicated questions surrounding wildfire management in the United States requires thoughtful application of the best available science and analytical methods. We strive to share fire science data and information in ways that are easy for land managers and the public to access and put to use.
Who We Are
FMI is a team of dedicated professionals with a mix of backgrounds including fire behavior analysis, fire ecology, geospatial analysis, vegetation and wildlife ecology, and wildfire incident management. We have skills in fire behavior modeling, fire weather analysis, mapping and characterization of fuels, geospatial data management and analysis, software application management and support, technical writing, training development and delivery, and more. Learn about individual team members below.